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After Nicole’s topic on memorable speeches last week, I have been wracking my brains to find a good topic for this week. In a week that has brought us the news that Russian former President has won this years election, but rumour is rife that “fraud” is the reason why he has won.

So I figured we could discuss some movies that feature an element of fraud in them. “It’s A Fix” is this week’s topic. What are some of those movies you have seen where fraud or some sort of deception shenanigans are the central plot themes.

Ok lets see now, how about some science fiction to start us off? Gattaca is a 1997 movie starring Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman and Jude Law which is the story of one man’s dream to travel the stars, but because the society he lives in has categorised him as “not worthy”, he finds a way to deceive the DNA testing and assumes someone elses identity in order to fulfil his dreams. An interesting film that tried to be a bit like Bladerunner in its style but without the great plot or actors. Not one of my favourites, but at least I can say I have seen it at least once.

Secondly, I am going into the legal world of John Grisham. A talented author some of his stories have been turned into great movies and in 1993, it was the turn of The Firm. Following the success of his performance as a lawyer two years earlier in A Few Good Men, Tom Cruise really got his hands dirty with this story about a gifted lawyer who enters a world of corruption, murder, fraud and cover up without realising how deep he is in before it is too late. It takes all of his legal knowledge and wits to come up with a plan to get himself out of the difficult situation he is in. Now this movie is one of my favourites and recommended by me. Trailer below…

So let’s have some of your suggestions please. Thanks for reading, be nice and visit others’ blogs aswell won’t you 😉