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Welcome along to Monday’s Movie Meme. Each week I will post up a new subject involving movies and all you have to do is answer the question, post a comment in my blog or if you have your own blog, link back to my blog. I hope you enjoy it and join in. Leave your choices in the comments box below, thanks.

Get Away From Her You Bitch” – Who is your favourite female villain?

When I think of some of the great movies I have watched, I find myself trying to name some good female villains. There aren’t actually that many leading ones are there? There have been a few crackers though and I will offer my choices today for you to think about and discuss – first up, one of the best characters in my opinion from the X-Men comic books, Mystique.

A supervillain for most of her career, this character created by David Cockrum and Chris Claremont, Mystique first appeared in a Marvel comic in 1978. She is associated with the X-Men series and has appeared in all of the modern X-Men movies with the exception of the Wolverine movie. I like her capability to change form and confuse opponents in a simple way let alone being able to kick the c**p out of most people she comes up against. Played by Rebecca Romijn in the first three X-Men movies, and more recently by Jennifer Lawrence in X Men – First Class, this character could go on forever and appear in many more films. Something which I wouldn’t be too disappointed with. I am surprised that she has never been given her own movie….yet.

Secondly today I will mention the fanatical Annie Wilkes who was marvellously portrayed by Kathy Bates in the 1990 Stephen King movie Misery. Initially regarded as a Good Samaritan who rescues the James Caan character after a car crash, it soon becomes clear that she is an absolute psycho who will stop at nothing to keep her hero Paul Sheldon in her evil clutches. Anyone for a hobbling party?

So lets have your choices, there are a few to choose from yet, but I think we should have more female villains in movies that are the leading part, like Annie Wilkes, and not just incidental to the main plot. Thanks for reading and I hope some of The Bumbles Blog regulars will take part in this as due to the birth of a child, their movie meme has taken a back seat for the time being. Cheers.